
Starting Our AI Journey

May 9, 2024
2 min read

In late February, we kicked off our #AI journey. As a company that specializes in the design, delivery, implementation, and care of technology solutions, we saw both the opportunity and the threat that AI and generative AI brings to us.

The opportunity – AI augmented product development will empower us to dramatically reduce time to value for our customers. We will be able to test ideas faster and with less waste.

The threat – AI and generative AI will change the talent required in software development in radical ways that we do not yet understand. The jobs required to make software will change.

The facts – Pretty much everyone uses some variation of the same process to create software solutions. If we reduce the time it takes to complete the fundamental steps of software development, we will reduce time to value.

Our hypothesis – we can use #generativeAI to create the basic artifacts of software development faster than traditional approaches.

So, we kicked off a six-week proof of concept with a very talented team of Phoenix practitioners. We started with a plan and then we changed our plan as we learned. Opportunities to add value presented themselves so we pivoted a few times. What didn’t change was our main goal – learning.

We just finished our POC and where we ended up was with a custom GPT that creates context-specific training materials, storyboards, user stories, and acceptance criteria.

MVP Solution Flow

It was very refreshing to take something to production in literally days. Once we figured out what we wanted to do, we were up and running in less than a week. We learned a lot and there is more to come as move to the next phase of our AI journey. We’ll keep you posted.

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